Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog assignment#16/wackynews

Here are fifteen wacky/odd how to topics.

Though rare, there are certain times a winter survival kit for your car will come in handy. People die every year in their automobiles from exposure to the elements during harsh weather conditions. It takes mere minutes for the warmth of a car to plunge into deadly below zero temperatures in many parts of the country. There is a basic survival kit that takes up very little space in your car and may someday save your life and those who may be with you.
Here is to make one.
  1. Include items in your survival kit which can heat up the car. To warm up a car that has died by the side of the road in a blizzard, certain items are proven to be effective. A large metal coffee can is the perfect size for a roll of toilet paper. If you find yourself stranded, place the roll in the can and pour some isopropyl alcohol on it. Place it in a safe place towards the middle of the car and light it. Be sure that you have a window cracked open. The cold is going to enter anyway and you want what little smoke there is to exit the car. This will produce a clean flame that will burn for hours and provide enough warmth to keep you alive until help arrives.
  2. 2
    Pack candles. Another way to warm up the interior of a car in freezing weather is with a medium candle placed in a metal coffee can. Again crack a window. The warmth of one candle can raise the temperature enough to keep you alive. Two candles in two cans are even better. Of course the extra jackets, blankets,hats, gloves, socks, and long underwear that you packed in your winter survival kit will help also.
  3. 3
    Have a way to signal someone for help from the car. A cell phone will work great if you have a useful signal. A flashlight can be used to signal in the dark and aid in reading car manuals, etc.
  4. 4
    Include food and water in your survival kit. This is important to keep up your energy if you have to remain with your vehicle over a prolonged period. This does happen in remote places in severe weather. Nuts, dried fruit and candy bars will provide nutrition and energy. Bottled water will keep you hydrated.
  5. 5
    Keep your survival kit current. Making a list of things you need for your survival kit is an easy way to remember to pack it during winter months. It is also a good way to ensure there are fresh batteries in your flashlight, extra batteries, dry, new matches or good lighters, or new food and water.
Here is a second one. It is about how to celebrate Valentimes day without spending any money.

  • Leave a note on her pillow, a note on her dressing table mirror, a note on the breakfast table, and a note on her car's steering wheel.

  • 2
    Find a classic love poem and write it on the bathroom mirror.

  • 3
    Bring her breakfast in bed - with a love note on the tray.

  • 4
    Draw a heart on her makeup mirror.

  • 5
    Use a can of water-soluble, non-toxic aerosol paint to write a message of love on the grass in your yard.

  • 6
    Call her favorite radio station and request a romantic song during the time she drives to work.

  • 7
    Change the welcome message on your answering machine to an expression of love.

  • 8
    Show up at her workplace, meet her as she takes her break, and whisk her away to a lovely park. Have a picnic lunch, complete with candle and rose.

  • 9
    Write her a long letter, one in which you recall the most emotional parts of your romantic history.

  • 10
    Print out "I Love You" posters on your computer, put them on your garage door and on light posts around the neighborhood.

  • 11
    Ask her to watch the sunset with you - and promise her your love will burn longer than the sun.

  • 12
    Open the windows, put her favorite romantic song on the CD player, and invite her to dance under the stars.

  • Here is how to Chech for Corrupted mail Drop.


  • Log in to the terminal on the server running Qpopper as the root user by typing "root" at the username prompt and pressing "Enter."

  • 2
    Type the root password at the password prompt and press "Enter."

  • 3
    Type "vi /var/spool/mail/username," replacing "username" with the name of the user with the corrupted mail drop, and press "Enter."

  • 4
    Examine the first line displayed in the mail spool file. If the line doesn't start with "From," "FFrom" or "rom," press the "D" key on the keyboard twice to delete the line.

  • 5
    Continue to delete lines by pressing the "D" key twice until the first line in the file starts with "From," "FFrom" or "rom."

  • 6
    Correct "FFrom" by positioning the text cursor over one of the "F" characters and pressing the "X" key on the keyboard or correct "rom" by positioning the cursor over the "r," pressing the "I" key, typing "F" and pressing "Escape."

  • 7
    Save the file by pressing the "Z" key twice.

  • Here is How To Control a Stepper Motor Using a Computer.

  • 1
    Lay out the circuit for the motor on the breadboard as shown on the circuit in the article "Computer Controlled Stepper Motor" (see Resources: Channel 9).

  • 2
    Label the stepper motor wires using your multimeter to determine the common power wire that carries current (see Resources: Identifying the Common Power Wire in Stepper Motors).

  • 3
    Solder the DB-25 male connector to the connecting wires on the board and ensure all connections are correct using a multimeter. This makes it easier to plug and unplug. Test all connections to ensure there are no short-circuits and then plug the connector to the computer when all is fine.

  • 4
    Write the code that will be used to control the motor. The code can be written in either C# or in Visual Basic (VB). The following sample code uses the "InpOut32.dll" library file found in the "Systems32" folder of Windows system.

  • Here is

    How to Stop the Scrubbing Process in Disk Array 5

  • 1
    Click the "Start" button in Windows and select "Accessories" from the "All Programs" menu. Select "Communication" and then click "Hyper Terminal" to start the Hyper Terminal program. Click "OK" in the "Connect To" window to start the RAID utility.

  • 2
    Choose "Utility," "System Utility," then "Disk Scrubbing" on the main menu, then select "Manual Scrubbing."

  • 3
    Select the "All arrays" option or a single array.

  • 4
    Click the "Start" button to manually start the disk scrubbing.

  • 5
    Click the "Stop" button when the progress bar on the screen shows 70 percent or higher CPU usage.

  • Also here is
    How to Add a Video to My Site

  • Check with your website hosting provider about your bandwidth. The bandwidth allowance determines how much data can be stored and used on your website. Videos can take up a lot of space if your bandwidth is limited. This may limit your activities and make the pages slower to upload.

  • 2
    Click on the video you want to share, if you want to share one already on the Internet. Beneath the video you should see an embed option. This will generate an HTML code, a basic website organizing and building code. Paste the code into your website and a video site such as YouTube will play the video on your page.

  • 3
    Add a new post to your blog. Most blog platforms will have an "Add Video" button. For example, on WordPress the button is between the title and text and just above the text options next to "Add a Photo." From there you can select your file by finding it in your computer documents folder. Work through the options to find what works for you. If at first the video does not look good, go back and change some options until you find something that works.

  • 4
    Create a new folder in your Web server. Save it as "Videos." Upload your video into this folder and save it. For example "Videoname." This will show up on your website as something like mysite.com/video/videoname.avi.

  • 5
    Embed the video by entering an HTML code. Different browsers read different code. This means using both old and new code. So, you would use an <embed> code within an <object> code.

  • 6
    Use an HTML code generator online if you are uncomfortable with using HTML coding. These sites, such as Quackit.com, can be found easily using a search engine and will convert your video into a usable code. Click and copy the code and then paste it into your webpage.

  • Here is How To Backup Rosetta Stone Version 3.

  • 1
    Insert the blank CD-R into your computer's drive. After the dialogue box pops up, choose the option "Burn Files to Data Disc." Name your disk appropriately with something along the lines of "Rosetta Stone Back Up."

  • 2
    Select "C:Program Data/Rosetta Stone" from Windows Explorer when prompted to select a file to burn. To copy only your progress and not the entire program, select the file "tracking.db3." For Mac users, this file is located at "HD > Library > Application Support > Rosetta Stone Version 3 > tracking.db3."

  • 3
    Click the "Burn" button on the Windows dialogue box. After the CD is finished burning, eject it from the drive. Be sure to write "Rosetta Stone Progress" on the face of the CD and store it properly in a jewel case or CD folder.

  • 4
    To copy your progress file onto your desktop or a separate folder instead of on a CD, follow all of the previous steps up to locating the "tracking.db3" file. Click on the file and drag it to your desktop or chosen folder. It is possible to copy the entire C:Program Data/Rosetta Stone folder, but it will take up a considerable amount of your hard drive's memory.

  • 5
    If you uninstall Rosetta Stone or wipe your hard drive, you can use your backup to pick up where you left off your instruction. First reinstall and open Rosetta Stone. Replace the default "tracking.db3" file with the backup "tracking.db3" file that is on your CD or desktop.

  • Here is How To Set T1 Timing on a BCM 400.
    1. 1
      Select "Slave" for the drop-down menu if the BCM 400 T1 interface connects directly to a telephone company or Internet service provider. In this option, the BCM 400 uses the T1 signal coming in for timing. Also select "Slave" if your BCM 400 connects directly to another BCM 400 via a T1 line in a WAN or LAN application where the BCM 400 at the opposite end is set to "Master."
    2. 2
      Select "Master" from the drop down menu if your connection to the service provider is via IP or PSTN protocol, and the T1 line connects to BCM 400s or other T1 components that you set to "Slave."
    3. 3
      Select "External" from the drop down menu if you provice an external clock signal into the BCM 400.
    Here is How to Use Spreadsheets to Teach Middle School Math.

  • Have students open their spreadsheet program. These programs may include Excel, Claris Works, Google Docs Spreadsheets, or OpenOffice Calc. Even though these spreadsheets are different, the basic concepts are the same.

  • 2
    Explain that the workbook that opens contains spreadsheets. Have them type their name in cell "A1."

  • 3
    Type a simple formula in cell "A2" to explain basic operators to students. For example, show students that if they enter "=1+1", the spreadsheet will return two when they press the "enter" key.


  • 1
    Have the students type expenses in cell "B1." Enter at least five expenses in cells "C2" through "C6." Include expenses the students can relate to like movie tickets, baseball cards and video games. Explain the expenses represent money leaving the budget.

  • 2
    Type the word "income" in cell "B8." Enter at least two income sources in cells "C9" and "C10." Include examples students can relate to like allowance, paycheck, babysitting money and birthday money. Explain the income represent money entering their budget.

  • 3
    Demonstrate a simple formula by adding the expenses in cell "C7." Show students how to add cells using the "SUM" function. Add the expenses by clicking the "SUM" icon. If necessary, drag your mouse over cells "C2" through "C6."

  • 4
    Press the "enter" key so students can see the total displayed in cell "C7." Explain that this total represents all of the expenses on which they are spending their money.


  • 1
    Have the class open a new spreadsheet. In cell B1 through D1, enter "TV hours," "video games" and "internet." In the column A, enter all of the students' names.

  • 2
    Ask students to estimate how many hours they spend each day or week on the given activities. Based on their responses, ask them to draw a correlation between these activities and grades they are making in school.

  • 3
    Discuss this correlation with the students.

  • Here is

    How to Raise Data Recovery for an NTFS 4.0


  • Click "Start" and "All Programs."

  • 2
    Click the "Data Recovery" folder and then the "Data Recovery" icon. This opens the Raise Data Recovery program on the screen. Your drives are listed on the right pane.

  • 3
    Right-click the drive with an NTFS file system and click "Recover Lost Data."

  • 4
    Click the "Next" button at the bottom of the Data Recovery Scan dialog.

  • 5
    Click in the box next to "Search for deleted files" and click the "Start" button. Allow several minutes for the program to scan for deleted files. Once finished, the program displays a results list.

  • 6
    Click "Deleted Files" in the left pane. This shows you the file structure. Browse for the file you want to recover. Personal documents are located in the "Documents and Settings" directory. Files for your applications are located in the "Program Files" directory and system-related files are located in the "Windows" directory.

  • 7
    Right-click the file you want to recover and click "Copy to..." This opens a small dialog window that lets you choose where you want to copy the deleted file. You can choose its original location or a new location.

  • 8
    Click the "Select" button to begin copying the file or folder to the selected location. The file or folder is recovered and can now be used.

  • Here is How to Connect PC to HDMI TV.

  • Turn your computer off, and turn it around to view the rear of the unit. Find the cable that comes from the computer's monitor, and follow it to the back of the PC. The cable will be plugged into the output of the video card, which will be either a 15-pin VGA port or a 29-pin DVI port. If you are fortunate, there will be a second port directly next to it, of either the DVI or VGA variety. On the newest machines, you may even find a regular HDMI port on the card.

  • 2
    Choose the connection for video output. If your computer has an HDMI port, you can simply connect an HDMI cord of the correct length between the computer and the TV. Otherwise, you will need to make a few decisions. If your computer has only a single video output and it will not be used solely with the television, you may want to invest in a new video card. Purchase one with either a DVI or an HDMI output, and install it in an available slot, according the instructions included with it. If you intend to use the VGA output on a single-output or dual-output card to drive the HDMI display, then a special device will be needed to convert between the formats. The price of the converter is actually about the same price as an entry-level video card that will be easier to use with your TV. In that case, it may be a wise idea to upgrade the card in order to obtain a DVI or HDMI port. However, if your chosen output port is DVI, an inexpensive DVI to HDMI cable can convert your computer's output into the proper HDMI input for your TV.

  • 3
    Connect the HDMI cable from your television to your computer. Install the correct adapter or converter for your computer, if necessary. Unless your computer has HDMI output, cords will also need to be connected from the sound card output to the HDMI video cable or adapter, because HDMI carries both video and audio signals.

  • 4
    Boot your PC, and configure the new display by selecting "Control Panel" from the "Start" Menu. Double-click the "Display" icon and click the "Settings" tab. The manual for your HDMI TV will list the screen resolutions it supports, along with the refresh rates. Configure the resolution in the "Settings" tab, and then click the "Advanced" button to set the refresh rate. If you are using the HDMI TV as the second monitor, you will also have to configure how it is used by Windows, according to the instructions pertaining to your video card. Most cards offer a "Clone" or "Mirror" mode, where both screens display the same content. Alternately, the "Extended Desktop" mode will allow each monitor to operate independently.

  • 5
    Reboot your PC to apply the changes, if necessary, and prepare to relax on your couch and watch movies on the big-screen HDMI TV.

  • Here is how to Delete Your Browser's History.

  • Click Start on the desktop.

  • 2
    Go to Settings.

  • 3
    Click Control Panel.

  • 4
    Double-click Internet Options.

  • 5
    Make sure the General tab is selected.

  • 6
    Click Clear History in the History box.

  • 7
    Click OK when it asks if you want to delete all items in your history folder.

  • 8
    Click OK at the bottom of the General box to exit.

    here is how to burn a CD from iTunes

  • Open up the "iTunes" application on your computer system. On the left side of the screen, double-click on "Playlist." Note: If you have not set up a playlist yet, just go to "File," click on the words "New Playlist," and you will see a blank box that says, "Untitled Playlist." Afterward, you can create a name for your playlist and also drag and drop the songs into the new playlist using your mouse.

  • 2
    Next find a blank CD-R to put in the CD drive, go to "File," then select "Burn CD Into Playlist." It may take a few moments for the disc to be read--you will notice it when it says, "Checking Playlist." Depending on how many songs are on the CD, it may take anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes for audio songs to be copied onto the disc.

  • 3
    After the process is completed, your songs are now in CD format, and you will be able to play them on a CD player.

  • Here is how to  Hook Up a Laptop to a TV

  • Plug the s-video cable into your laptop's s-video output socket. The other end of the cable should be plugged into your TV's s-video input. Make sure that both ends are inserted securely, taking care to keep a little bit of slack in the cable to avoid accidentally unplugging it or putting your laptop at risk of being pulled into the floor if something touches the cable. Place your laptop on a solid surface such as an end table or coffee table.

  • 2
    Access your laptop's display settings by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing the "Personalize" option from the menu (note that this only applies in Windows Vista; if you are using Windows XP, choose "Properties" instead). Choose "Display Settings" from the new window that opens up.

  • 3
    Use the "Identify Monitors" button to search for a new monitor; large numbers should appear on both your laptop display and the TV screen. If a number doesn't appear on the TV screen, check your channel setting and make sure that it is on the correct channel to display video from the s-video input.

  • 4
    Once the laptop has identified the TV as a monitor, you can begin using the TV to watch movies, share programs or images with several people, or even play the games you have on your laptop using your larger TV screen.

  • Here is

    How to Block Multiple Junk Emails in Microsoft Outlook Express

  • Navigate to the Fire Trust website and click on "Download Now" to save MailWasher Pro to your computer. As of February 2011 MailWasher Pro is free to try for 30days. Afterward, there is a fee.

  • 2
    Double-click on the MailWasher Pro setup file to install the software. Click "Next" when prompted and choose a directory to save the program by clicking on the specific drive of folder and clicking "OK." Open MailWasher Pro.

  • 3
    Click on the "Check Mail" button to show all the messages that are on your email account, and even emails that are pending to be sent at your email provider. You can click on the specific email you would like to view more information about to read it first without downloading it to your computer.

  • 4
    Click on the thumbs up or thumbs down button on each email to train MailWasher Pro on the types of emails to block from your inbox.

  • 5
    Click the "Wash Mail" button to delete all of the junk emails and keep the emails you want.

    DigiPortal Software

  • 1
    Navigate to the DigiPortal website and click on the "Downloads" tab. Scroll down and click on the ChoiceMail software that corresponds to your computer system.

  • 2
    Double-click on the ChoiceMail setup file to install the program to your computer. As of February 2011, ChoiceMail offers a trial period. Click "Next" when prompted and choose a directory to store the program by clicking on the specific folder or drive. Open ChoiceMail.

  • 3
    Import your emails from your email provider server by clicking the specific email carrier and filling in the required information. Click "OK" to continue.The software will download your emails. The recycle bin holds your junk emails and your clean emails are displayed in the folder button next to the recycle bin.


  • 1
    Navigate to the SpamButcher website and click on "Free Download Stops Spam - Click Here!" to save the SpamButcher program to your computer.

  • 2
    Double-click on the SpamButcher setup file to install the program. As of February 2011, SpamButcher offers a 21-day trial period. Click "Next" when prompted and choose a directory to save the software by clicking on a specific folder or drive. Open the SpamButcher program.

  • 3
    Click on "Configure" to change the setting for your email server so that you can connect.

  • 4
    Click on the "Check Now" button to check your email messages on the server. Click on the specific message you would like to delete by clicking on the "Delete Spam" button.

  • I got all this information from ehow.com.

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