Wednesday, February 16, 2011

blog assignment#20/America

Here are some pictures of Americas past.

Our past is rough. We struggled, we suffered, but we survived. There were a lot of wars but we finally got our freedom. We even encouraged other countries to be free. Also we have our forefathers to thank for their sacrificies they made to make sure that we our free today. America is awesome today.

Now here ae some pictures on america's present.

Buy Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Buy Duke Nukem Forever

Buy Call of Duty Black Ops First Strike Map pack

Buy Dragon Quest VI

Buy Killzone 3

America's present is more technology. We have more advanced and complicate machines. There are now wiis,xbox360s, and playstation 3s. We have a lot more stuff thn we did in the past. People are making more machines everyday now. other countries are asking for some of are stuff or come to play them. They even help people make our stuff.

Now some pictures of america's future.

Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710

Avaak Vue SM2700

Nikon D3100

Sony Dash

I think we are headed to flying cars and robots. Also more logical weapons to use in war. Also towards better chairs for disabled people. Also better rockets to space or homes in space or better yet homes on planets. I think America has a bright future.

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